Friday, October 12, 2007



Marywood Center
P.O Box 14195
2811 E. Villa Real Drive
Orange, California 92863-1595
Phone (714) 282-3055
FAX (714) 283-5059

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Most of the bishops across the countries, as well as many pastors, have been given a sneak peak at an award-winning film that has the potential to shape our culture for good. I want to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on the inspiring new movie, Bella, set for release on October 26 during Respect Life month.

Winner of the Toronto Film Festival's "People's Choice Award," Bella reaches audiences in a constructive and non-preachy way. Previous winners of that award, like 'Life is Beautiful' and 'Chariots of Fire', have gone on to win Best Picture Oscars!! Bella tells the story of how the unconditional love of a friend allows a woman in crisis to make life-affirming choices for herself and her child. It also uplifts the dignity of the human person and of the traditional family. Already, through pre-screenings and promotional events, hearts have been touched and lives have been changed. As our Lord said, “You will know a tree by its fruits” (Matthew 7:16 ), Bella has already produced amazing fruits.

As members of the Mystical Body of Christ and Christians with the responsibility to spread a message of love and virtue in our world, I want to encourage you to see this film and to promote this movie’s life-affirming and hope-filled message. Organizations you most likely recognize, including The Knights of Columbus and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul are endorsing and supporting this beautiful film, even dedicating time and resources to help fill theaters on opening weekend.

Pope John Paul the Second often spoke of the new evangelization and of using the media to speak the truth and of the power of the arts in shaping the culture. In response to that call, the Catholic filmmakers behind Bella have a mission to make films that not only entertain, but also inspire and uplift. I am personally inspired by their example and their good work.

God Bless you, and thank you for supporting this hopeful and exceptionally worthwhile project!

His Excellency,
Most Rev. Tod D. Brown
Bishop of Orange

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